In 2019 it has never been more prevalent to be more sustainable in our lifestyle and fashion choices.

Helen Mirren looking fabulous in this purple hued mid length jacket over boots.
Shop, Swish Fashion, Plus Size Women's Fashion and recreate this bold and beautiful pairing, this 2019.

1. Keep looking fabulous by investing in what you already own.
So many of us are guilty of tossing out last seasons knits, simply because they have become pilled and pulled. Visit any thrift store and you will be amazed at their turnover of our tossed out, perfectly wearable - with a few repairs - clothing.
Rather than discard, why not try repairing yourself. Piled jerseys can easily be saved with a little shaving off of the offending balled clusters.

It's worth investing in keeping your wardrobe in top condition, by investing local and sourcing your local community of seamstresses and shoe and handbag repair people.
And not all repairs need to be outsourced.
Perhaps we don't have the skills, time or desire to learn how to darn and sew like our nanas, but these next 3 wardrobe saving hacks are inexpensive, timeless and easy peasy for all skill levels.
Plus you will feel great knowing these little steps are sustainable steps to save our planet.

2. How do I keep my white shirts and pants WHITE!
Simple! Its as easy as Lemons + Salt.
We all love crisp white linen shirts and pants, well, I know I do.
And these two simple ingredients, everyone has access to, will help keep your summer and winter whites looking their best possible selves.
Simply squeeze lemon juice into the stain and then pour salt on top to draw out the offending stain.
Gently rub the lemon juice and salt together and rinse out and repeat.

You don't need to spend a fortune to have a fabulous looking wardrobe but you do need to keep it looking at its best.
For tougher stains, or stains on coloured clothing, enlist the holy trinity of laundry: white vinegar, distilled water and baking soda.
Baking soda and white vinegar are natural cleansers and why the need for distilled water over regular tap water?
Unlike tap water, distilled water has no minerals. Minerals in tap water can, when they dry, leave behind marks of residue.
Simply mix together for a powerful, natural cleaning wardrobe solution.
3. White soled shoes are everywhere this season. How do I keep white soles WHITE?

Dame Helen Mirren, here at age 70, looking her casual fabulous best in jeans and stylish white sneakers.
Athletic wear - hence the shite soled brogue and white soled day sandal - alongside sustainable thrifted fashion, are the two fastest growing fashion industries of 2019.
Both these industries are expected to continue to grow over the next decade, so for now, white soled shoes are everywhere and here to stay.

This simple shoe cleaning hack is perfect, will not harm your shoes, inexpensive AND guaranteed to keep all your white soled shoes, athletic and casual daywear sandals WHITE.
Methylated Spirits + a paper towel.
Just dab methylated spirits - in a well ventilated spot, outside would be best - onto a paper towel (much like you would apply nail-polish-remover) and dab and blot the offending scuff marks away.
This treatment is best used as a maintenance measure and not as a save-it-all last minute rescue-mission, when your white shoes are no longer recognised as WHITE.

I use this hack on all my families sports shoes and my own.
Once you've adopted this treatment into your weekly routine, you will never suffer grey soled shoes again.
Written by Simmon Wagner
A 52-year-old Mum, Professional Writer, Style blogger, fashion influencer and Movie reviewer, writing her first novel, a psychological thriller.
Follow Simmon here and read on her blog at theloveauthentic here.
Topics: plus size wardrobe updates, stylish plus size clothing, sustainable fashion