The SWISH Edit

5 surprising things every Mother of The Bride needs to know

Written by Simmon Wagner | Feb 10, 2017 2:51:00 AM


On the wedding day emotions and excitement will be at a fever pitch, but as the Mother of the Bride you are the calm amidst the silk and the lace, the voice of reason and the voice that your daughter will look for.

As Mother of the Bride you are the go to person for anything unexpected on the day.
Set yourself up for success with these 5 surprising things every Mother of the Bride needs to know.

Number One: Mums emergency kit

1. Make sure the bridal party eats. A packet of fruit and nuts, some cheese and cracker packets or some jelly beans – a wee snack to calm the nerves. There is no telling when the bridal party or the grooms party last ate in the excitement of the day.

‘I remember at my cousins wedding all three bridesmaids fainted, I think more from standing nervously in the church packed with 300 guests.’

2. Pins, needle, thread. Save time and room by threading the needles. 
You will need:
a. One in the bridesmaid’s outfit colour.
b. One in the bride’s colour.
c. One in the groom’s party.
d. A small pair of fabric scissors – handy for wayward threads.

3. You will also should take:

  1. Tissues, tampons and Panadol.
  2. Baby wipes – perfect for stain removal.
  3. A disposable razor – necessary for last minute armpit touch ups.

4. A pair of warm arms to hug like you can, when the day becomes a little overwhelming.

Number two: You are the GO-TO-PERSON

As Mother of the Bride, you are the go-to-person for just about everyone. Nag a little. Make sure all the deadlines are met to relieve the pressure from the bride. Your name will probably be the go to contact for caterers, florist, entertainers, the venue and the groom’s family.

Number three: Keep a checklist

Have your own checklist – that may look a little like this.

  • Dress
  • Hair, make-up, shoes
  • Speech
  • Seating arrangements
  • Groom’s expected arrival time
  • Bride’s arrival time

You may not need to say or direct anything, but it’s remarkable how relieved the bride will feel knowing mum has the behind scene details under control.

Number four: Researcher and keeper of family traditions and family heirlooms.

Your daughter is on the threshold of joining with a new family, where their family traditions and your family traditions will be joined and shared for generations to come. A historical moment as two family trees are joined.

She will take ‘something old’ such as a stunning piece of family jewellery or something lovingly crafted by your own hands or those of your mothers. And make it part of her new family’s history for generations to come.


My first joint family wedding shot at Harry’s Look out, Port Macquarie. Hidden under metres of Tulle, I wore my Nana Lena’s gold signet ring. I’ve kept my Nana in my heart through every big event of my life.

Number five: Playing Host

At the reception, traditionally the Mother of the Bride is the first person in the receiving line, but today receiving lines are not so customary.

Take your cue from your daughter, this is her wedding day and she may just want you to sit and relax as the VIP guest that you are, her mum.

Be proud, for you have helped raise the beautiful, confident young woman that stands holding her husband’s hand.

A young woman blessed to create some new family traditions of her own.


More advice for your son or daughter's wedding.