March the 8th, is International Women's Day, a day - not yet a holiday - to celebrate and recognise the achievements, innovations and fearless inspiration of women. Each one of us has had our lives changed by powerful women. In this first quote, my nana was my hero and inspiration, who was your hero and inspiration growing up?

1. 'Shared joy is a double joy, shared sorrow is a half sorrow,' a Swedish proverb.
As I grew up, my nana was one of my greatest cheerleaders, Her love was an ocean of never ending support and joy.
'My nana loved me as I am and through her constant gaze I became more of that best version of me. A me that was safe and loved beneath her gaze. Sure, sometimes I faltered in becoming my best version of me, but that constant gaze of love built strength in my early foundations, and they became the building structures I would rely on, when life became hard.'
My joys expanded exponentially around my nana and my sorrows always diminished with her beside me. On this International Women's day, this timely and eternal proverb is a beautiful reminder on the power of tribes of women(biological or not) having the ability to listen and be there in our times of great joy and great sorrow.
2. 'Don't treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are,' Dalai Lama.

In every interaction we have a choice as to how we will respond. We get to choose whether we will respond or react. There is a difference.
How we choose to treat another is a reflection of ourselves and not a reflection of that person. A lot of our judgements are also made from this place of reflecting who and what we are inside.
Women have the power to uplift and empower or the opposite.
This leads to our third quote today.
3. Be the woman who fixes another woman's crown, without telling the world that it was crooked.

Here in Melbourne, on Tuesday night, I sat in the audience at Hamer Hall, at The Victorian Arts Centre. I was overwhelmed by the joy I felt for my 12-year-old daughter, Scarlett, as she stood in the opening act on stage. I was overwhelmed by imagining how a big a vision and experience she was breathing in and making her own.
Before she stepped out onto the stage, I reminded her to soak it all in, to bask in the moment as she was creating a forever joy-memory to draw upon anytime she wanted.
At the end of the night, I was impressed by how the girls on stage encouraged, hugged and applauded those amongst them, who received awards. Their squeals of encouragement and shared happiness were thick and ringing in our ears and their joy was contagious.
Joy is contagious, whether it is our own or another's. The satisfaction of joy is in the sharing.
4. Stay close to people who feel like sunshine.

This quote is profoundly simple in its message. People who feel like sunshine are easier to stay close to.
Stay close to all the things that set your heart on fire, whether it be art, books, fashion, your garden, friends and family.
Dress in clothing that makes your heart sing. This beautiful 41008 Kasbah Shirt by Swish Fashion is sunshine in your wardrobe. Your joy is palpable when you are honouring your unique femininity. Say yes to you more often and see how your joy magnetises and spreads about you.

5. You have to be the best version of yourself and if that means you have to be a bit self-promoting, then it’s okay. It really is. Because who’s going to believe in you more than yourself? — Reese Witherspoon
Women today are changing the culture of femininity, from a past narrative of where we were taught to be 'nice' and to stay small and humble about our accomplishments, today women are heads of parliament, world first thinkers, creative artists and loving, powerful mothers and working woman.
'Our expectancy about what is possible for each of us is only limited by the way we speak to ourselves and about ourselves. Expectancy is just a thought, so why don't we expect the best for ourselves. We expect when we watch a 1-year-old, pull themselves up on to their wee unsteady feet, we know they'll probably fall, but we encourage and expect them to walk.'

I love this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. You never know your strength or capability as a women until you've stepped out of your comfort zone and claimed it.

And remember being the best version of you is easy, because there is no one else like you.

To celebrate Happy International Women's Day to you all! We are giving 10% Off! Everything, excluding Sleepwear and Basics.

Plus! We'd love to see your favourite Swish looks - post to instagram and tag us here #swishplussizefashionWebsite
Written by Simmon Wagner, an Award Winning Freelance Writer, Fashion Blogger, and Movie Critic. A passionate mum, yogi, vege gardener and fashionista living here in Melbourne.

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