The SWISH Edit

Plus Size Fashion Equals Gorgeous Curvy Women

Written by Amanda Spalding | Mar 22, 2017 8:30:00 PM

Curvy is the new sexy as we have seen from Kim Kardashian and other curvy women being much admired!

In my last blog, I asked the question ‘What do zebras have to do with plus size fashion?’ and the answer is – I posed this as a question at our International Women’s Day celebration at work and eventually Marina and Karina worked their way through to the correct answer!

I then noticed that Swish Fashion has a new line – the zebra collection?

So, I was pontificating on gorgeous curvy women being the new sexy, and the need for bras that fit well and are comfortable. I have to admit that I have found buying a bra online unsatisfactory. I was in a senior management meeting at work the other day and my online bra was digging into me, so I tried to adjust it. Unfortunately this resulted in a very loud snapping noise that had everyone in the room falling about laughing. It was so loud it sounded like I was trying to crack my own ribs. The blokes seemed slightly embarrassed so I suggested we should use it as a sling shot as it seemed to be strong enough.

Of course, shapewear is also a good idea to iron out the lumps and bumps and make curvy even more sexy for 40+ women who are over a size 16.

So, once you have your underwear under control, it is possible to wear clingy clothes to emphasise that plus size equals curvy gorgeous women.

Different cultures have different beauty standards and I always remember Tina Turner lamenting that her bottom wasn’t big enough.

I particularly like this dress/top from the Swish Fashion Autumn Leaves collection, modelled here by two curvy women as a dress, and then one curvy woman with pants!


More tips see here.