The SWISH Edit

The importance of vanity and why it's more than ok to wake up and sing out, 'good morrrrrning beautiful!'

Written by Simmon Wagner | Jul 17, 2019 3:53:42 AM

How do you wake up and greet yourself?

Do you snuggle up close and give yourself a hug and with your best Robin William's-leap-out-of-bed falsetto and sing, ‘Goood morrrrrning beautiful!' Or do you crawl out of bed, avoiding eye contact in the mirror, with the one person responsible for creating every life experience you have ever and will have, you.


Peek-aboo- smile at you first.

The way we greet ourselves when we begin a new day is singularly the most vital and transformative step we can make, for our appearance, our mood and the day we create for ourselves.

How we feel about ourselves sets in motion the way we interact firstly with ourselves and secondly with whatever life is drawn to us by our energy and mood.

Once when I was working in a fashion store in Paddington, Sydney, a co worker told me to stop my 7-year-old daughter admiring herself in the store mirror.

Her flawed thinking, being, we are not supposed to know we are beautiful and definitely not meant to be seen publicly appreciating our beauty and worth.

But this way of thinking was not the way I was raised or the way I raised my daughters.

Without my breath missing a beat, I said, 'No. I have raised my daughter to love the person she sees in that mirror. To love and admire how beautiful she is every single time. How she sees herself is the best relationship she is going to have her entire life'.



To outsiders, a woman seen appreciating herself, staring in a mirror, making herself feel seen, loved and confident, might seem vain - vanity being one of the worst things a woman can be in today's society.

We are supposed to know we are beautiful, we are supposed to know we have power, we are supposed to look at our own reflections without flinching.


Begin your day in appreciation and kindness and watch how much appreciation and kindness comes back to stick on you.

Be kind and loving to the one person who will support, love and respect you for every moment of your glorious life.

Top 3 ways vanity empowers us to stand up for ourselves

  • We stop apologizing for our appearance
  • We stop apologising for our priorities.
  • We stop apologising for our feelings

We are blessed to be given the chance to wake up each day and live our lives. After some recent health issues, out of my control, this appreciation of the simple gift of being able to wake up each day, resonates profoundly with me. So, today and every day when I feel like it, I choose to look in the mirror and have my back and love the person waking up with me. Me.

There is an incredible 50% off Sale at Swish Plus Size Fashion, Australia. Why not buy something beautiful for your next special occasion.

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Written by Simmon Wagner

A Melbourne based, 52-year-old Professional Writer, Style blogger, fashion influencer and Movie reviewer, writing her first psychological thriller.